Feed the Kids 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Feed the Kids Golf is a charitable organization made up of a small group of people who wanted to help our community by raising money to feed hungry children. Our goal is to also increase awareness and program implementation in Western Massachusetts, through the widespread use of media for this fund raiser.
It is alarming how many children still do not eat breakfast before they start their day and don’t have food on the weekends. The benefits of proper nutrition for children has been well documented and are significant (e.g., improved learning, test performance, classroom participation, and graduation rates and reduced behavioral and weight problems). With your help, we can have a positive impact on childhood nutrition here in Western Massachusetts and in our country.
We are hosting a golf tournament at Springfield Country Club, on 9/30/19 to benefit No Kid Hungry and the HPS Weekend Backpack Program in Holyoke MA. You can help by playing in the tournament, becoming a sponsor or donating something for the live and silent auctions.
No Kid Hungry is a nonprofit organization that not only helps to provide meals for children during the school year and summer, but also provides parents with food skills education (information about proper nutrition and how to cook smarter).
The HPS Weekend Backpack Program provides children with a backpack filled with food on Friday to take home for the weekend. The Weekend Backpack Program serves between 250- 500 kids per week as backpacks are given out every Friday from the first week of school until the end of the school year.
For more information contact: Fred or Mary Kadushin, 413-893-9677, fkadushin@comcast.net or visit www.Feedthekidsgolf.com